Healthy women play a major role in determining the nutritional status of their children. Most Indian women are dealing with the problem of undernutrition or malnutrition due to factors like child marriage, conception, lack of education, poverty, and domestic violence, etc. The Indian Government through various policies has been trying to address these issues relating to women and child health but fails to reach them due to the weak implementation and corruption.
The Government of Andhra Pradesh launched the YSR Sampoorna Poshana Plus Scheme on 1st September 2020. A budget of Rupees 1863 crore to provide a proper nutrition filled food to the pregnant ladies, lactating women, and children from 6 months to 6 years of age. The YSR SampoornaPoshan Plus Scheme will provide coverage to about 30 lakh women containing approx. 47,267 Anganwadi centers out of which about 27 lakh women are expected to benefit. The remaining amount in the budget approved by the Andhra Pradesh Government will be allocated for 3 lakh infants and women living in the tribal areas.
The following are the features of the YSR Sampoorna Poshana Plus Scheme-
The following are the meal plan of the YSR Sampoorna Poshan Plus Scheme provided by the Government of Andhra Pradesh to their respective residents-
Such a diet plan will be provided for a month on the daily basis. The cost of such a meal per beneficiary will be around 600 rupees and the ration can be taken home by the beneficiaries.
Such a meal plan will be provided for 25 days daily that will be fed at the AWS centers. The cost of the meal plan will be about rupees 500 per month per beneficiary.
The meal plan for the pregnant ladies and lactating mother is as following-
The meal plan for the women and lactating pregnant mothers will be based on a millet, protein, iron, and energy filled diet that will be provided in the 1st week of the plan.
While on the second-week multi-grain atta or 2 kg wheat flour will be provided.
On the third week of the meal plan, 500gram groundnut chikki will be provided in the third week.
On the 4th week, 50gram ragi, flour, or wheat flour, and 500gram jaggery, and 500gram tilladdu will be provided to them.
The following meal plan will be fed at the AWS center and it will be taken home on the weekly basis. The per month cost of the meal plan is rupees 1062 per beneficiary.
The following eligibility criteria must be followed by the applicant-
Following are the procedure for enrollment under the YSR Sampoorna Poshana Plus Scheme-
Following are the documents required for applying under the YSR Sampoorna Poshan Plus Scheme-
The women and children eligible for the YSR Sampoorna Poshana Plus Scheme will be registered by the Anganwadi workers by the respective project officer, ITDA with the Project Director, District women, and Development Authority of children and women will be responsible for the implementation of the YSR Sampoorna Poshana Plus Scheme.
According to the data, about 52.9 percent of the pregnant women in Andhra Pradesh are suffering from the acute form of anemia, while about 31.9 percent of the infants are suffering from low birth weights, and 31.4 percent are facing the problem of retarded growth rates. The feeble and vulnerable sections of Indian society have been prone to the problem of malnutrition and under-nutrition in India.
Therefore, to bring down the number of cases dealing with the problem of malnutrition and to provide a healthy and nutritious meal to the vulnerable section of society, the Andhra Pradesh Government has launched the YSR Sampoorna Poshana Plus Scheme.
The Andhra Pradesh government is committed to benefiting about 30.16 lakh mothers and children of their state. Not only the YSR Sampoorna Poshana Plus Scheme will provide a nutritious meal to the women and children, but also help in preparing them to enter the schools. At Aatmnirbhar Sena, we are raising awareness about this healthcare scheme by the Andhra Pradesh government.
The Chief Minister of Andhra Pradesh to implement the YSR Sampoorna Poshana Plus Scheme has ensured the effective implementation and monitoring of the scheme by developing a comprehensive Mobile App developed by the Department of Women Development and Child Welfare.