The Rashtriya Parivarik Labh Yojana is a way to create various employment opportunities for the poor and rural families and is a great initiative to empower a major section of the society.
Every family consists of a family head or Mukhiya, who fulfills all the responsibilities and obligations of each member of the family.The unexpected demise of the only breadwinner of the family is not only emotionally devastating but it is also terrifying for the family members left behind due to the financial implications imposed upon them after losing their only income earner.
The death of a breadwinner of the family severely affects the financial structure of a family as it is an unanticipated loss to a family in terms of both emotional loss as well as financial loss. The unexpected death of the prime bread earner of a family is likely to leave multiple responsibilities to the surviving members of the family.
To address this issue, the Uttar Pradesh Government has launched the Rashtriya Parivarik Labh Yojana scheme. The Social Welfare Department of Uttar Pradesh will provide financial assistance of rupees 30,000 in case of death of Mukhiya of family. The RashtriyaParivarikLabhYojana aims to benefit the residents of Uttar Pradesh residing in the rural as well as urban areas through the online application of the scheme.
Following are the features of the Rashtriya Parivarik Labh Yojana scheme-
Following are the benefits of the Rashtriya Parivarik Labh Yojana-
The applicant can avail the advantage of the Rashtriya Parivarik Labh Yojana after going through the following eligibility criteria-
Following are the guidelines of the Rashtriya Parivarik Labh Yojana-
Following are the documents required before applying under the Rashtriya Parivarik Labh Yojana scheme-
Following steps are given below are required to register in Rashtriya Parivarik Labh Yojana-
Step 1- Visit the official website of the राष्ट्रीय पारिवारिक लाभ योजना.
Step 2- On the home page of the official website, click on the option ‘’new Registration or Click here to apply new’’.
Step 3- Select the District and Resident details that are Urban or Rural.
Step 4- Following details will be required to be filled by the candidates applying under the राष्ट्रीय पारिवारिक लाभ योजना –
Step 4- An option for the Declaration under the RashtriyaParivarikLabhYojana online form will appear. Tick on the Declaration option.
Step 5- Click on the ‘’submit’’ button and the procedure for applying under the RashtriyaParivarikLabhYojana will be complete.
The applicant applying for the RashtriyaParivarikLabhYojana can check his application status online. Following are the steps to check the status of the application form on the official website of the RashtriyaParivarikLabhYojana;
Step 1- Visit the official website of the RashtriyaParivarikLabhYojana and open the homepage of the scheme.
Step 2- Click on the option ‘’Application form status (click here to know the status of the application form’’.
Step 3- Enter the details like ‘’select the District you belong’’ and select the ‘’Account number or Registration number’’.
Step 4- Click on the ‘’search’’ button to check the status of the application form of the applicant.
Following are the steps for Admin login in the Rashtriya Parivartan Labh Yojana-
Step 1- Visit the official website of the RashtriyaParivarikLabhYojana.
Step 2- Click on the option ‘’District social welfare officer or SDM log in’’ on the homepage of the official website of the RashtriyaParivarikLabhYojana.
Step 3- Fill in the following details required by the website such as:
Step 4- Click on the ”login” button.
Following are the steps to get the details of the beneficiaries applying under the Rashtriya Parivarik Labh Yojana-
Step 1- Visit the official website of the RashtriyaPrivarikLabhYojana.
Step 2- Click on the option ‘’ District wise details of beneficiaries’’.
Step 3- District-wise beneficiaries’ pages will pop-up on the screen.
Step 4- Fill the following details required-
Step 5- Now, a list of the district-wise details of the beneficiaries in the Rashtriya Parivarik Labh Yojana will be provided on your screen.
Following are the steps to download the Government order in the Rashtriya Parivarik Labh Yojana-
Step 1- Visit the official website of the Rashtriya Parivarik Labh Yojana.
Step 2- On the homepage, click on the option ‘’Government order’’.
Step 3- Click on the option ‘’Download’’ to download the Government order in the राष्ट्रीय पारिवारिक लाभ योजना.
Following are the steps to download the important guidelines issued by the Uttar Pradesh Government for filling the application form for the Rashtriya Parivarik Labh Yojana-
Step 1- Visit the official website of the RashtriyaParivarikLabhYojana scheme.
Step 2- On the homepage, click on the option ‘’important guidelines for filling the application form’’.
Step 3- Click on the ‘’Download’’ option to obtain the Rashtriya Parivarik Labh Yojana form in PDF.
‘‘Good governance” is an important variable for the development process of a nation proceeding towards the path of sustainable development. With around two-thirds of the Indian population living in poverty, India is considered one of the poorest nations of the world. Despite being the second most populated country in the world, India is one of the largest economies in the world. But the majority of the Indian population is still poverty struck and is far away from tasting the fruits of the country’s economic development. Poor and financially weak households are considered the weakest members of society that suffer the most due to their low standard of living and low purchasing power.
Therefore, to address the issue of poverty and unemployment, the Uttar Pradesh Government under the leadership of Chief Minister Shri Adityanath Yogi has taken a great initiative by launching the Rashtriya Parivarik Yojana. The government to transform the lives of the family members of the deceased bread earner of the family has launched this scheme to provide financial assistance to them to cover up their emotional and economic crisis. This financial help will to a greater extent help the extremely poor household members of the family to earn bread for themselves and become independent.
Our organization Aatmnirbhar Sena is working day and night to align with the various Government schemes and provide benefits to the backward sections of society. Aatmnirbhar Sena is leaving no stone unturned to provide financial assistance along with the government policies and schemes and organizing various workshops and motivational programs to make the urban and rural households aware of the Uttar Pradesh Government’s Rashtriya Parivarik Labh Yojana scheme. It is a platform that is also providing various ideas and concepts for the young and aspiring minds of New India.