Chief Minister of Madhya Pradesh, Shivraj Singh Chauhan, has initiated a promising scheme known as MP Rojgar Setu Yojana through which migrant workers of Madhya Pradesh are getting employment opportunities in their own state. This scheme is a blessing in disguise for workers associated with the unorganized sector.
You are well aware of the scene amid the COVID-19 Pandemic and things that happened during nationwide lockdown at the time of Coronavirus infection. Many laborers got trapped in other states, and thus, in order to bring them back to their state, special trains were running. Migrant workers came back but lost their jobs. After observing the condition of accelerating unemployment, Chief Minister Shivraj Singh Chauhan came up with the employment bridge scheme known as MP Rojgar Setu Yojana for those migrant workers who returned from other states. In the entire nation, Madhya Pradesh was the first country to introduce such a form of scheme.
Through this scheme, all migrant laborers’ online database is being formulated to grant employment opportunities to all workers by considering their locations. Rojgar Setu bridge portal has been formed to usher the migrant workers on the path of flourishing employment opportunities in their area on the basis of their experience along with skills as much as possible. Workers returning from other states have received great relief till now after the successful implementation of this scheme.
Madhya Pradesh Government has provided employment to several migrant laborers, laborers of Madhya Pradesh for living till now, and the government has not stopped after that as the mission to ensure opportunities to migrant laborers and other workers is still on.
Chief Minister of MP state, Shivraj Singh Chauhan has furnished directions to make MP Migrant Laborers/workers Skill Register ready on a panchayat wise basis. The Register will entail the details concerning the skills along with other relevant information.
If the interested beneficiaries of Madhya Pradesh want to apply under MP Rojgar Setu Yojana to avail this scheme, then they need to go through the registration process mentioned below-
For migrant workers who do not have Samagra Id, the generation of Id will take place on the Samagra portal according to the due process. Then only, survey, verification as well as registration of these migrant laborers will be ensured by showcasing the overall ID on the portal.
As per the instructions furnished after this, it will be compulsory to mark the complete Id and Aadhaar card number on the portal. The survey, verification along with registration will take place only for those workers who fulfill the eligibility requirement for registration in ‘Mukhyamantri Jan Kalyan (Sambal) Yojana’ or ‘Building & Other Construction Workers Welfare Board’.
Proper instructions have been provided to upload details on the prescribed form related to survey from eligible migrant workers on the portal and proceed ahead for keeping the survey form safe on record. The secretary of Gram Panchayat, as well as ward in-charge in urban regions, would ensure the support of the applicant in filling the survey form.
All such actions will take place under the supervision of the District Collector. The Chief Executive Officer for the rural parts of Madhya Pradesh, the Chief Municipal Officer for the urban parts and the corporation commissioner in the municipal corporations will hold the positions of authorized officers.
Given below is the stepwise guide to apply online for MP Rojgar Setu Yojana-
Step 1- Firstly, you must initiate the application process with visiting the official website of Madhya Pradesh Rojgar Setu Yojana. The link for the same is mentioned below-
Step 2- Click on Register option on the homepage.
Step 3- After that, the registration form page will emerge out on the screen in front of you.
Step 4- Now, you would have to provide the essential details that have been asked and go ahead for uploading documents.
Step 5- In this step, you would have to hit the submit button for final application submission. Thereafter, your application under this scheme will be deemed as completed.
The significant documents needed to apply online are mentioned below-
Given below is the list of areas in which migrant workers and laborers will be receiving employment opportunities within the boundaries of Madhya Pradesh-
Summing Up
MP Rojgar Setu Yojana came into existence in the year 2020 amid COVID-19 outbreak and migration of a major chunk of migrant workers and laborers from other states to Madhya Pradesh. This scheme was brought into light by Chief Minister of MP Shivraj Singh Chauhan. Many migrant workers and laborers revived themselves via the successful implementation of MP Rojgar Setu Yojana as they received jobs and moved out of the shackles of unemployment. At Aatmnirbhar Sena, we are ready to lend assistance with respect to the online registration process and help migrant workers take advantage of this scheme.